Sunday, May 1, 2011

If you are reading this, consider your bell rung.

When I was young, between the ages of 3 and 7 I think, when May first  rolled around, My mom would help me make may baskets. She would make a cone out of wax paper and I would attach a construction paper handle across the wide end of the cone. We then would fill the cone with flowers from the yard. We took our flower filled cones and visited our neighbors one by one. Mom stood out on the street while my brother and I tip toed up to the neighbors door, hung the cone on the door handle, rung the bell and RAN! I have never heard of anyone else doing this....I would like to know if you did anything like this on may day.

 If you are reading this consider your bell rung....HAPPY MAY DAY!


  1. Thanks! Happy May Day to you too!

  2. May is Mary's Month so when I went to Catholic School in the first and second grade we were encouraged to give flowers to our neighbors, and female family members on May 1st. I don’t really remember the exact celebration but all the kids in my school would gather in the play yard and we had a May Pole and other May Day related activities. When we moved here I went to a public school and they didn’t do anything so I remember making bouquets of flowers and giving them to our neighbors. The ringing the doorbell thing would have been more fun. Think I’ll do that with Savannah and Wyatt next year.

  3. Those flower pictures are beautiful by the way! My favorite think about May is it's my birthday month! I wonder how old I will be when I don't want to celebrate it any more.

  4. Sherry, My granny said celebrate all your means you are still on the face of the earth!
