Saturday, August 27, 2011

101 in the shade, it could happen.

The fleet of  yellow buses that signal the beginning of school more often than not bring with them a heat wave in our area of the country. School, and the heat, stared Wednesday.

I remember when my oldest daughter was in kindergarten, the kids were sent home at noon, due to the heat. The school at that time was not air conditioned. 

Other years there was no P.E. out side or recesses, too hot.

This is the thermometer on the back patio on the west side of the house this morning at 8:30...73.2 degrees F, 58% humidity. 

It is going to be a warm one. Hank has the right idea, he is all stretched out on the shower floor. 

I think when Lycra man gets back from his ride ( yes he went )

and Kathy gets back from the barn ( yes she went )

and I have the laundry half way done ( I have too, it's up to the roof )

we'll all meet here...

in the cement pond!

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