Sunday, June 24, 2012

You know how it is when you have a hobby...

It seems I have collected and or acquired quite a few coffee mugs with rabbits on them.

Holland Lop, used to think I wanted to raise these guys, bought this at a rabbit show...

found this at my neighbors garage sale...had to have it!

Netherland Dwarf, Brenda used to raise these, had a grand champion, still have him out there,... captain jack is his name. Got this at a rabbit show.

a gift from Lycra Man and the girls...

this fellow needs no introduction, bought peter for my self , because I needed one more mug with a rabbit on it.

My favorite mug, I am using it now as I's hand painted, those bunnies are thumbprints, so cute.

Time for a refill, hope you all are having a many cups of coffee, kind of Sunday morning.


  1. One cup of coffee and on to the hot is that kind of day :-)

    Love your cups!

  2. A large lazy cup in the morning and a smaller one usually around 2 in the afternoon, along with a treat of some sort. I have a weakness for pretty cups and mugs too, Jenean.

  3. The second cup down makes me think of a 70's cover printing of Watership Down.
