Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankfully Yours.

Last night in flower class, we made our arrangements for our thanksgiving table. Mine, pictured here, is in the garage, hence the nice background clutter, I put it in there to keep Hank form eating it ....anyway, after we had all made our arrangements our  teacher had us hold ours up so everyone could see, and then say what we were thankful for.

Here are some things I am thankful for...

My daughters.

Lycra Man, the husband.

My Pop, my brothers, sister~in~law, niece and nephews.
(Not pictured  thankful for my sister and brother~in~law and nephews)


The coffee Ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

good friends and good times.

Nature and all that is hers.


  1. Your arrangement is as beautiful as your *thankful* list. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  2. I like your list Jenean and the flowers that embody the sentiment for you this thanksgiving.
    I wish we had a thanksgiving day.

  3. Beautiful. I an still laughing about Hank. :-D

  4. You have a lot to be thankful for!
    Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!
